Welcome to my page of links... I have listed some of my favorites places to go and hang out in, such as chat rooms and others more serious places to visit. Feel free to let me know what you think about them or if you would like a link here also. I always visit homepages and enjoy reading them, feel free to e-mail me with links...*s* Enjoy!!!
Pioneer Internet Connection...( This is a good ISP, Cause it's mine)
Fortune City....Try thier site, if you are looking for a place to build your homepage. They give you 20MB of "free" Web space and e-mail. (this is also my sponser)
SlamBooks These are you good ones... I know everyone enjoys these once and awhile. So please come sign these!
Forever Yours, Temporarily...This is a good link. It belongs to a friend of mine
by the name of P|ayer1, he's a very good writer, so check it out!
BMG... Well this is a good site, I order most of my music from here and have had very good and fast service!!! *s* But just be sure to read the small print! *lol*
HISPANIC...This is a link to the magizine, it's a good magizine, and offers many good reading hours, One that many people should think about subscribing to!!!
Reader's Digest... This is an awsome website and magazine!!!! Stop by here... it has many stories and humor!!!
Garden City, KS... This is my hometown where I was born, and yes Dorothy is from Kansas, and no I have never had the pleasure of meeting her!! *lol*
Quotes!!!! This is one thing I like to do in my spare time. I love to read quotes, this link has many quotes! Feel free to send me a quote or a link!!!
CATHY...Okay this is one funny chick!!! She has some great stuff and strips here!!! Click here if you want a few laffs!!!
GARFIELD!!!! Okay now we can't forget Garfield he has many laffs and comic strips on his page... Feelin' down click here for some good laffs!!!
PEANUTS....Now everyone know that the peanuts are from way back when, and that they are
the greatest in history!!! check this one out!!!
March Of Dimes... This is a very good place, it is always important ato give to the kids. *S* They are the future!!!
St. Jude...This is something everyone should think about giving to, it helps a lot of people and is a good investment, it saves lives.
NSSA... This is where you can learn a little something about my illness, and something that maybe will help you to understand!
Mirc..This is the best link in the business, Chatting business that is!!
This is my addiction!!! See ya there!
ICQ...Quick time chat without all the chat rooms, something everyone should not log on line with out!! *s*
Knat's Homepage... Yeah yeah I know a whole bunch of good links and than I pop this one in on you all...*lol* Well take a look she's a beginner...*whispers* and she's my cousin!