                     Another chilling and creepy book from the reigning queen of true-crime,
                     Ann Rule, who also penned the riveting bestseller Small Sacrifices. Here,
                     we encounter a charismatic con-artist accused of brutally bludgeoning his
                     wife and follow his case through to its strangely redemptive end.

                     True Crime Editor's Recommended Book
                     Ann Rule is one of the most engaging of true-crime writers: a flair for
                     suspenseful drama is her strong suit. This book is the tale of a narcissistic
                     leech of a man whose typical pattern with his many women is to romance
                     them like a dream Romeo, marry them, get them pregnant, and then drive
                     them into emotional and financial ruin. He's litigious, he's a con man, he's a
                     sad sack, he's a charmer, and finally, he's a murderer. The courage of the
                     women who finally bring him to justice is remarkable and inspiring. Dead
                     by Sunset won a 1996 Anthony Award for Best True Crime.

                     The New York Times Book Review
                     A cast of characters like this would provide fascinating material for any
                     capable reporter...Ann Rule is more than capable. The author brings to
                     her work the passion, the prodigious research and the narrative skill
                     necessary to create suspense.

                                                    Click here for all reviews...

                     Customer Comments
                     Average Customer Review:  Number of Reviews: 11

                     Glenn Sandberg ( from East Brunswick,
                     NJ , August 26, 1998
                     Disappointing Summer Read
                     Frankly, I am disappointed. Ann Rule was recommended to me as a
                     good summer read, but this book is less than good. Rule has taken a
                     compelling story of aberrant behavior and turned it into a run-of-the-mill
                     real life soap opera. She fails to draw the most obvious conclusions with
                     regard to the effects of child abuse, spousal abuse, and violence in
                     American life. The last third of the book betrays a churn-it-out, beat-the
                     -deadline style which simply does not make for good reading. A rich vein
                     which Rule fails to mine is malignant narcissism and the connection to wife
                     murderers like Jeffrey MacDonald, which she mentions only in passing. At
                     the end of the book, the reader is still wondering about Brad
                     Cunningham's financial wheeling and dealing. Rule could have developed
                     the theme of marriage as disposable commodity as well. Given the
                     evidence, Rule could hazard a guess as to what makes Cunningham such
                     a wonderful lover but such a horrible person. Unfortunately, we never
                     read about it. This book could have been so much better. I suppose that
                     is the main reason for my disappointment. --This text refers to the
                     hardcover edition of this title

            from Connecticut , August 22, 1998
                     A ROLLER-COASTER OF A RIDE. Chilled me to the marrow!!!!
                     If it weren't a TRUE story, I would say it was unbelievable. How could
                     beautiful, intelligent women, with so much going for them be led down the
                     garden path by such a psycho? I didn't even know how Brad could be
                     "living" and interacting in the real world. It was such a well-written
                     account, I never knew how it would end, and kept thinking of OJ and the
                     obvious parallels. I was halfway into the book, before I came across the
                     haunting photographs. How tragic! What trauma all players endured at the
                     hands of "BLACK BRAD." It does absolutely go to show you the old
            can fool .some of the people ALL the time..and that was
                     what made Brad tick. He was a con artist to the end. --This text refers
                     to the hardcover edition of this title

            from Saint Louis, Missouri , July 15, 1998

                     No one could compete with the competence of Ann RUle.
                     It used to be I only picked up a true-crime account occasionally. Now I
                     find myself seeking them. Especially if they are written by Ann Rule. I
                     don't know anyone who makes me feel as if I am along for the ride as she
                     does. This man was so manipulative, and has so many believing his every
                     whining complaint, I just wanted to smack him myself! As in all of her
                     accounts of deception and murder, I felt as if she was speaking directly to
                     me. I wanted to stand up in the courtroom and speak my piece. A book,
                     which at times seems to be only words, can grab you if it contains
                     substance and it can make you feel the tension, waiting to explode on the
                     next page. I actually found myself with a gaping expression because I
                     couldn't believe some of the events that occured throughout this man's life.
                     Of course, I know it sounds ridiculous, but Mz. Rule made it ever more
                     real to me with the detail and intense investigation needed to write this
                     book. Thank you for all your account! ! s of true-crime, which have made
                     me realize that one really has to be careful with the sickos we have out
                     there today. Jeanine

            from USA , March 10, 1998
                     What a great book
                     This was the first book I read by Ann Rule, but as soon as I was done I
                     went to the Library and took out two more. Alot of True crime stories go
                     too much in to detail and the reader starts skipping though it or they lose
                     the reader completly, But not Ann Rule. She makes you feel as though
                     you know everyone in the book. It blows my mind that people are
                     capable of such cruelty. This was such a sensless crime. She was telling
                     everyone for so long that he was going to kill her. She even went as far as
                     to tell people that he would use the children to lure her away to kill her.
                     Although I felt terrible for Cheryl, I was a little angry with her for meeting
                     him at the gas station by herself after she herself told everyone that she
                     knew he was going to use the children to lure her away. I really feel bad
                     for the children and I hope that they realize what a monster their dad is
                     and how much their mother really loved them. I would love an update on
                     what everyone is doing now. There was a TV move on this book, it was
                     alright but the book (as usual) was much better

            from Utica, South Dakota , February 4,
                     great book
                     I love true mysteries and dramas and dead by sunset was one of the best
                     that have read I think that Ann Rule is a great auther and I would buy all
                     of her books. I would like a list of her books if anyone has one. Thank
                     you, Cindy

                     A reader from Denver , February 2, 1998

                     When I read Ann Rule's Small Sacrifices, I learned quite a bit about
                     sociopathic behavior and was amazed at Diane Downs personality and
                     her story. But when I decided to read DEAD BY SUNSET, I was really
                     thrown for a loop on how devious and cruel this guy Brad could be. He
                     was beyond belief in his actions! I was flabbergasted at how damaging
                     this creature was and how his life continued that way with no remorse
                     whatsoever. This is one book I couldn't put down. I learned so much
                     about evil personalities and why women love them! This guy was
                     UNBELIEVABLE! --This text refers to the hardcover edition of this

                     MLRQ77A from Brooklyn, NY , October 17, 1997
                     Ann Rule has a unique perspective on murder
                     As a long time reader of Ann Rule, I was very pleased with the newest
                     addition to my library. She has an uncanny way of getting you into the
                     minds of both the murderer, and their victims. This book hit home in an
                     unusual way; Cunninghams first wife, "Loni Ann", worked in the same
                     Kinsiotherapy clinic as I did. She was a very lovely woman, but quite shy
                     and quiet,in an unnatural sort of way. She let on very little about her past,
                     and after reading this book, I can understand why. Ann Rule took me into
                     the life of this woman, as well as Bradly's other wives, allowing me to
                     understand how dangerous a conniving, narcisstic and delusional
                     individual can be. I thank her for that. --This text refers to the
                     hardcover edition of this title

                     A reader, May 11, 1997
                     ANN RULE IS THE BEST!
                     Ann Rule was WONDERFUL with this book! I could not put it down for
                     one minute. Although, it would be great if we could have an update to the
                     characters in your books, Ann. It is utterly amazing how Ann gets into the
                     mind of these people and identifies with them. I only have one problem -
                     she needs to write more books because I go through them faster than she
                     can write them.

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