I'd like to say that 90's and I have become very close, and I can truely
say that he is my friend, It is very rarely that you can say that someone
off the net is your friend. The reason being is that you really don't
know this person, and you have no idea if this person is being him or her
self... I am glad to be able to say that 90's is my friend, I luv him and
trust him, although, I have never met him. 90's I would like you
to know that I really appreciate your company and luv you like a friend
does. I know you already know this, but Thank you so much for hearing
me when I needed you! *huge hugs*
heres to you 90's you have my
with it! *giggles*
Here are a couple photos of my cutie...*laffs*
here is 90s with his beautiful daughter...*sigh* The kids that we could make!
*Whistles* Gotta luv him!!!
Well here he is with some hooter girls! *lol* Its a wonder he's the Channel whore! *lol*
Ummm, *laffs* No Comment!!!
Check out his home
page...*s* It's still under consructio...but its getting there!! *lol*
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