
I have always enjoyed reading famous peoples quotes, sayings,
and one liners. A lot of them have meaning in them, some of them
are just plain funny.  But they are all said for a reason.  So I finally
got off my rear end and made my own quote page. These are taken off
other pages on the web and collected over time... There will  be many
 on  each page 'cause I know how one grows bored... But do stay for
awhile... Some of these may shed some light on you... *s*







These are some kewl links to pages that have very good
quotes on them... This is where most of them are found, but
I only pick the best.... so check theses out...

Quotes & more Quotes...

Cyber Quotes...

Thoughts for the day...

Philosophy on the net...

Greg's Holy Quotes of Antiquity...

Silent Reflections...

If you would like to view all of these
quotes please click here...
Famous Quotes and Quotations...

Please sign my guest book
and if your must view here...

If you have any great quotes please send them
do me at [email protected]

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